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Prescribed Burn Scheduled February 24th, 2025 at the Heard

Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary has scheduled a prescribed burn to be conducted on February 24, 2025. We understand that prescribed burns can raise questions and concerns, and our aim is to ensure you are informed and comfortable with the process.


To help spread the news, we’ve also created a Spotify Playlist: Songs for a Prescribed Burn.
Warning: Contents May Be HOT! (Not suitable for the whole family, listener discretion is advised.)

What is a Prescribed Burn?


A prescribed burn, also known as a controlled burn, is the intentional use of fire by trained professionals under specific environmental conditions to achieve ecological benefits. These burns are part of land management practices designed to maintain healthy ecosystems.


Why is the Burn Important?


Prescribed burns play a crucial role in maintaining and restoring the natural balance of ecosystems. Here are some key benefits:


  • Reduce Wildfire Risks: By eliminating excess vegetation, prescribed burns reduce the fuel available for potential wildfires by removing built up thatch and kindling, thereby decreasing the frequency and intensity of potential wildfires.


  • Promote Biodiversity: Fire encourages the growth of diverse plant species by clearing out invasive plants and opening up space for native vegetation to thrive.


  • Enhance Wildlife Habitat: Many species depend on the plant communities that fire helps regenerate, providing food and shelter essential for their survival. This includes birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals.


  • Nutrient Recycling: Burning returns nutrients to the soil, which helps support the growth of desirable native species of grasses, flowers, and can even help microbial communities!


How is the Burn Organized?


The prescribed burn is a meticulously planned and executed process that prioritizes safety:


  • Expert Coordination: The prescribed burn is conducted by trained professionals who assess weather conditions, fuel moisture, and other critical variables to ensure optimal control and safety. A Burn Plan is created by a highly trained “Burn Boss” who has years of experience conducting burns. For this burn, we will be working with the McKinney Fire Department; they will be the team manning the burn itself under the guidelines laid out in the Burn Plan.


  • Safety Measures: Firebreaks, areas that are mowed/cleared and watered down to ensure fire cannot pass, and other protective measures are established to contain the fire within a designated area. There will be several fire engines on site to uphold these safety measures.


  • Community Involvement: We make every effort to inform and involve the community, providing updates and communication throughout the process.


What to Expect


  • Date and Time: The burn is scheduled for February 13th, 2025 from 12:00pm until the end of the day. Please be aware that smoke may be visible during this period.


  • Smoke Management: Efforts will be made to minimize smoke impact. The Burn Plan was designed with the intention to create the least smoke possible. Sensitive individuals should take precautions, such as staying indoors and keeping windows closed.

Here is the location of the prescribed burn.

Burn Map

Thank you for your understanding in our efforts to maintain healthy Texas ecosystems such as our threatened Blackland Prairies. We are truly passionate about our restoration efforts and appreciate the community’s support.


If we can be of help with additional questions? Please email Braeden Duffee, Nature Preserve Manager, at bduffee@heardmuseum.org




Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary