It’s not easy being green! Hop into action to help some of our favorite amphibian friends–frogs. Join us for a ribbiting adventure at one of our 2025 training sessions for a citizen science program we’re now participating in, FrogWatch USA. Dive into the wonderful world of frog observation and learn how to be a frog detective. Whether you’re a seasoned frog enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this training session promises to be an unforgettable leap into the world of frog science.
What is FrogWatch USA?
FrogWatch USA is a citizen science program hosted by the Akron Zoo in Ohio. The main objectives of collecting frog and toad data are to assess the diversity of local populations, the presence of rare or invasive species, and to measure changes in species range, diversity, and seasonality. You can read more about the initiative here.
Who is the training session for?
Everyone! Whether you are a skilled amphibian enthusiast or you are just starting out, the training sessions are open for all who are interested in the world of frogs and toads.
What does a training session offer?
We will spend the session covering all things amphibian! Beginning with a discussion about the similarities and differences between frogs and toads, we will then cover local species identification for Collin County, Texas. Next, we will discuss wetlands and other amphibian habitats before wrapping up with the methods and procedures for conducting a FrogWatch USA survey and registering new survey sites.
At the end of the session, we will have a brief assessment of the material covered. Individuals who pass the assessment will become Certified FrogWatch USA Volunteers, able to register new survey sites, and help collect data for the nationwide data set.
You will gain access to materials such as a list of local amphibians and their calls, a Volunteer Reference Guide, A Field Guide to local species, and all necessary files for completing site registration and surveys.
When and where:
February 22nd and 23rd from 1:00-3:00PM (both evenings) at the Heard’s Overlook building (formally referred to as the SRC)
This session will be hosted over two days.
The first will cover:
- Background information regarding frogs and toads
- Local frog and toad species identified in Collin County, Texas
The second day will cover:
- Background information on wetlands and other amphibian habitats
- Methods and procedures for conducting a FrogWatch USA survey
- Methods and procedures for registering and monitoring new sites within FrogWatch USA
- Volunteer Certification Assessment
Click here to sign up for a session and hop right into the frog fun! Pre-registration is required.
Whether you’re interested in joining the Heard Wildlife Sanctuary FrogWatch Chapter and assisting in the collection of priceless data, or you simply wish to learn about local amphibians and their identification, we look forward to seeing you there!